Friday, December 27, 2019

The Controversy Of Legalizing Gay Marriage - 834 Words

If you cannot beat them join them, this commonly used phrase is overlook and ignored by many. The power and value of this simple phrase holds in todays society is quite astonishing. Individuals ban together for a cause, influencing society and then enacting legislature to allow authoritive figures to enforce the common cause. Louisiana is a perfect example of this. The state lost government funding when they did not raise the drinking age. By pressuring, or as some say punishing, the federal government was able to use their authority to force Louisiana to coincide with the rest of the nation. More recently states are slowly but surely legalizing Gay Marriage. This is also an example of how slowly individual states are acknowledging the†¦show more content†¦Citizens gave the government authority by abiding to laws and by paying taxes. By withholding federal funding, states resisting this new law soon began to come around to the idea of changing the drinking age. More recently we see states legalizing same-sex marriage. This is a prime example of how individuals used passion to influence society to make a change. In 1970 the first same-sex couple filed for a marriage license. Although it was denied this single act spoke volumes. People began to recognize the issue at hand. Thirty years later, â€Å"In December [of] 2000, the Netherlands became the first country† to legalize same-sex marriage. This was a monumental step for same-sex activists. This gave leverage, and to helped to persuade others in order to instill change. In 2003 The United States begins to see citizens voting in favor of same-sex marriage. The phrase if you cant beat them, join them, becomes an excellent example of what is to come in the nearing months. With nearly 40 states allowing gay marriage, and â€Å"more than 70 percent of Americans [living] in places where gay couples can marry†. It is only a matter of time before we see all 50 states now recognizing g ay marriage. The idea that the individual has more passion, than a society is completely agreeable. For the â€Å"society is an extension of the individual†, should enough people have passion for a more environmentally-friendly life style the society willShow MoreRelatedSame-Sex Marriage Issues Controversies Essay example1180 Words   |  5 Pagesnamed gay marriage â€Å"one of the key struggles of our time†. According to the website â€Å"† as of January 6th 2014, 17 states have taken the plunge and legalized same-sex marriage. Marriage is â€Å"one of the basic civil rights of man†. Yet, we are still waiting on 66% of our nation to do the right thing and legalize gay marriage. The ban on gay marriage has deprived gay, lesbian, and bisexuals of many benefits that come with being married. Also, it has been proved that banning gay marriage createdRead MoreThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1411 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract The legalization of gay marriages is one of the most controversial issues throughout particularly in modern life. This paper, based on secondary research, arguing for legalizing same-sex marriage through specific analysis of its positive influences. In particular, there are two main benefits regarding society as well as economy. The finds of the research indicate that gays or lesbians are completely an important part of society. Therefore, they must have the rights to live and marry legallyRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legalized?935 Words   |  4 PagesThere is a lot of controversy about gay marriage and whether or not it should be legalized in certain states that haven t yet legalized it. My opinion on this topic is that it should not be legalized for various reasons. My reasons on this have nothing to do with religion because religion shouldn’t have anything to do with their opinion; religion is a biased opinion because of its authenticity. Another thing that shouldnâ₠¬â„¢t be considered is their opinion that doesn’t have a reasoning behind it likeRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Is Not The Law Of The Land1510 Words   |  7 PagesProfessor Lee Comp Rhetoric 2 20 October 2014 Same-Sex Marriage According to Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, If traditional marriage is not the law of the land, the institution of the family will cease to exist. Traditional marriage is a legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife. Inside the court rooms and outside, citizens of the United States battle out their differences between heterosexual and homosexual marriage; one reason for this is because the frequency of relationshipsRead MoreControversial Topic of Same-Sex Marriage797 Words   |  3 Pagesthe Congressional Quarterly Researcher (CQR) issued a report covering the issue of gay marriage. In their article, Gay Marriage, the CQR discusses the controversy of curbs on same-sex marriage, as well as if the Supreme Court will end these curbs. Within this larger controversy of same-sex marriage, the CQR points out four issues dealing with the topic at hand. The first issue questions whether the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) improperly denies federal benefits to same sex couples. Another issueRead MoreSame Sex Marriage And Marriage948 Words   |  4 PagesSame-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are comparatively new controversial topics in today’s world and its â€Å"mainstream† morality. I was not exposed to any homosexual â€Å"lifestyle† while growing up. I know that I am strongly traditional in my theological views, nevertheless, I vigorously believe that traditional marriage and parenting are devotional commitments between a man and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage and parenting are to me, issues of a society with strong traditional cultural identitiesRead MoreMarriage Discrimination: Ending Soon1120 Words   |  5 PagesSame-sex marriage is defined as a union between two people who are o f the same gender or biological sex. And marriage equality refers to giving equal treatment to same-sex marriage as compared to heterosexual marriage. Due to the varying definitions of marriage, this topic carries with it a large amount of controversy. In her literary piece, â€Å"Marriage just lets the state back in†, Kerry Howley opposes the claim that the efforts to legalize same-sex marriage are of any use whatsoever and supportsRead MoreAnalysis of Koppelmans Arguement in Support of Same Sex Marriage948 Words   |  4 Pagesdecades, the question of allowing for same-sex marriage is a recurring topic of controversy. In the houses of same-sex couples, the need for equal rights is of great importance. Currently, many states ban the marriage of same-sex couples and do not view a marriage between same-sex couples as an official marriage. These states quote the Constitutional definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Therefore, with this definition, the mar riage of a man and a man or a woman and a woman isRead More Equal Rights for All Essays918 Words   |  4 PagesEqual Rights for All Gay marriage has always been a subject of great controversy. Andrew Sullivan addresses this issue in his persuasive essay entitled â€Å"Let Gays Marry.† Sullivan’s essay appeared in Newsweek in June of 1996. Through his problem/solution structure of this essay, Sullivan uses rhetorical appeals to try and persuade the audience to accept gay marriage as a natural part of life. Sullivan, an editor of The New Republic, also wrote Virtually Normal: An ArgumentRead MoreSame Sex Marriage And Parenting999 Words   |  4 PagesSame-Sex Marriage and Parenting Same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are comparatively new controversial topics in today’s world and its â€Å"mainstream† morality. I was not exposed to any homosexual â€Å"lifestyle† while growing up. While I know that I am firmly traditional in my theological views, nevertheless, I firmly believe that traditional marriage and traditional parenting are devotional commitments between a man and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are to me, issues

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on The Impact of Colonialism on Southeartern Nations

This essay will analyze the major colonialism impact on the southeastern nations and the relations among them during the United States Hegemonic Period from 1820 to 1870. In doing so, we will discuss different forms of social change that were brought to the Indian societies as well as the cause of such changes. Mainly this paper will concentrate on three important aspects of colonial impact that contributed to major social changes that the southeastern nations experienced: geopolitical environment, markets, and American culture. We will illuminate the reader’s knowledge about U.S. hegemony in relation to the southeastern nations and how this external geopolitical force gave rise to forming the constitutional governments and national†¦show more content†¦Consequently, the indigenous nations were able to retain political autonomy during the period of competition between various European colonial powers. However, the new American government implemented a series of laws a nd regulations that established hegemony over Native Americans. Without alliances with foreign powers, the major Indian nations had no choice but to â€Å"recognize American political supremacy in the region† after the War of 1812 (Champagne 1992:88). Despite reluctance by Native Americans towards political differentiation and social change, the U.S. government planned to regulate trade between the Indian tribes and European countries and institute a program that was designed to assimilate and civilize the Native peoples. However, these attempts did not prevail until 1828, as evidenced by the absence of large-scale migration of southeastern Indians. Although most southeastern nations were socially and politically undifferentiated during the early period of U.S. hegemony, these societies diverged later in spite of facing similar external threats and pressures to give up territory. While some southeastern nations were able to unify and resist change by political centralization and fundamentalist movement, others like the Choctaw were divided and indirectly supported the U.S.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Corporate Responsibility and Company Performance

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Responsibility and Company Performance. Answer: Run Descriptive Statistics for all the variables The variables have been based on the temporal heterogeneity which is able to allow the effects to be controlled under the measuring of the level features. Model presentation is based on the performance capture with: The performance for the measurement is based on the ROE and ROA. These are for including the dynamic performance indicators which will be introducing the lagged performance where there is a proper measurement. The estimations for the dynamic model are based on the generalised method of moments which include the addressing of potential endogeneity of the model. The paper is based on the neutral relationship which is between the CSR and the financial relationship. We can work on the different policy measures along with handling the human favour productivity, higher levels of the motivation and the effective use of the different resources. These are based on the image enhancement and the increase turnover of the image due to the customer loyalty and the new markets. (Elfeturi et al., 2015). Pearson Correlation Matrix This is mainly to investigate the multiple variance dependency of the different variables at a particular time. There has been correlation in the variables which is based on the computation and the visualisation process. With this, there have been packages for the output of the function cor() which will be between the variables and the other to function which works on the significance levels. The R package is able to handle the setup with the proper correlation matrix. Regression Analysis As per the empirical relationship between the social performance of the firm and the financial performance, there has not be a proper establishment of both in the literature. For this, there is a need to focus on the measurements and the other factors related to the social strategic decisions which will be able to drive the different empirical findings. The relationship and the social performance is mainly for the improvement of the quality between the firm and the stakeholders. (Madorran et al., 2016). With this, the focus has also been on the improvement of the relevant control variables along with distinguishing between the short and the long run financial efforts. The heterogeneity of the findings with the lack of consistency and the reliability of the instruments to the measurement of SP. There have been distributions to measure the questionnaire along with handling the heterogeneity of the empirical results with the SP and the FP measures. As per the analysis, it has been seen that there are certain issues which deal with the strategic decisions of endogeneity. The relationship is based on the longitudinal dataset which allows to apply the recent econometric methods along with handling the other related values which has been incurring at a certain expense. The basic problem rises with the management which makes the decisions and the standardized assumptions which are based on the cross sectional regression models. With the diversification, there are certain possibilities which relate to the handling of integrity along with the coefficients of SP. As per the investigations, there are global crisis which provide the ability to draw the conclusions to operate the monopolistic competition. (Barnett et al., 2012). The indications are based on the requirements with the decreasing state role and mergers which are not empirical. The banking industry is considered to be the most important form for the welfare and the stability of the different countries. Hence, for this, the examination is based on handling the bank profitability with the global signification GDP with the development of the financial system solely on banks. The different forms of the lower quality of the accountancy data are based on the lack of auditing companies, practices and the problems. Hence, the pattern of development is having a weak institutional form with the less development based on the banks only. The lack of the auditing practices and the implementation is for the help to derive the policy implications with the viability of the banking systems. The extending research with the profitability is mainly based on globalized scale along with operations in the non-competitive environment. With this, there have been profits for the banking metrics which relate to whether there has been a higher profitability for the MENA banks or this is mainly due to the monopolistic conditions. GMM Methods For this, there has been a twostep method for the providing of a consistent and an effective estimator for addressing the potential endogeneity of the model. For this, there is a need for handling the lags of the dependent variable along with the t2 bonds and there is a lag from the t-1. (Garcia-Castro et al., 2010). With the validate, there is an Arellano Bond Strategy which will work on the relationship between the financial performance and the CSR. The comparison off the results is through the use of the panel data and the control for the individual and the temporal homogeneity. There has been a setup of the relationship based on the estimation for the dynamic modelling process. The results are mainly description with the choice to achieve the robustness of the results. The patterns of the over identification and the restrictions are mainly to handle the individual effects as well as the correlations with the other variables. With this, there is a choice for the capital structure and the degree of the development and the debt level. This is for the support of the responsibility indexes to overcome the problems related to accounting and the marketing based measures to properly examine the extent with the financial performances. The employed methods are based on the OLS with the energy disclosures and ROA and NPM. (Cornett et al., 2015). The paper has been focusing on handling the related cross sectional methods where there has been a result to show the neutral relationship. This is in alignment to the different factors which are for the ROE use as a measure of the performance. The results in Spain are collaborated with the effective and the efficient resource development and image enhancement. The increased turnover related to the customer loyalty and the new market patterns. IV GMM instrumental variables This include the GOV, ENV, SOC to model the factors which are for the advancement for the financial innovation and the other risky speculations. There is a need for the handling of the higher risks loans and the subprime mortgages. These are for handling the financial asset prices which are prior to the other financial disruptions. Hence, the banks are found to be highly criticized by the failure with the management decisions on the society. The major focus is on the commercial banks with the aggregation to handle the responsible activities through the use of the environmental, social and the governance ratings. The relations have been set for the performance where there is no control on the problems related to endogeneity. (Barnett et al., 2012). There have been measures with the combined data set for the Risk Metrics along with analysing the activities for the community program concerned with the involvement in the areas that have a major operation and diversity. The panels are mai nly for the two group size structure where there is a need to capture the effect of the bank size and the other CSR activities. The capital ratio and the risk weighted assets are for determining the ability of the bank for the absorption of the different losses which are found to be completely unexpected. The major focus has been on handling the capital ratio where there is a equity of the bank core to the total risks weighted assets. The major focus has been on the obsession of the bank with the profitability that has been set for the impacts on the management decisions on society. The CSR is based on effectively handling the cash flows along with the deposits to create the higher fees dummy variables in the regression. There has been major corporate social responsibility which is able to encompass the issues that have been associated to the way how the banks are able to provide the services to the customers along with the charges which are included in the fees on deposits. With th is, there has been a proper setup of the relationship along with handling the ROE or the net income equity. Reference Elfeituri, H., Vergos, K. P. (2015). Is High Profitability of MENA Banks Due to the Existence of Monopolistic Conditions in the Sector?.Available at SSRN 2706872. Madorran, C., Garcia, T. (2016). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: the spanish case.Revista de Administrao de Empresas,56(1), 20-28. Barnett, M. L., Salomon, R. M. (2012). Does it pay to be really good? Addressing the shape of the relationship between social and financial performance.Strategic Management Journal,33(11), 1304-1320. Barnett, M. L., Salomon, R. M. (2012). Does it pay to be really good? Addressing the shape of the relationship between social and financial performance.Strategic Management Journal,33(11), 1304-1320. Garcia-Castro, R., Ario, M. A., Canela, M. A. (2010). Does social performance really lead to financial performance? Accounting for endogeneity.Journal of Business Ethics,92(1), 107-126. Cornett, M. M., Erhemjamts, O., Tehranian, H. (2015). Greed or Good Deeds: An Examination of the Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and the Financial Performance of US Commercial Banks around the Financial Crisis.Available at SSRN 2333878

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Piano Lesson Essay Example For Students

The Piano Lesson Essay Defend Boy Willie’s Scheme for Buying Sutter’s Land. In The Piano Lesson, written by August Wilson, Boy Willie devises a scheme for buying Sutter’s land. Boy Willie has one part of the money saved up. He will sell the watermelons for the second part. Then he will sell the piano for a third part. The only debating issue in Boy Willie’s scheme is the piano. Berniece does not want to sell the piano. This is the only reason for a defense in Boy Willie’s scheme. Therefore, I will defend Boy Willie’s issue of selling the piano and how that liberates him in reference to his scheme for buying Sutter’s land. We will write a custom essay on The Piano Lesson specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The first defense is the usage of the piano. In Wilson’s novel, Berniece never uses the piano, Boy Willie: â€Å" You can’t do nothing with that piano except sit up there and look at it†, Berniece, â€Å"That’s just what I’m gonna do† (p.50). The piano is a â€Å"sentimental value† (p.51) to Berniece. Her father died over the piano (p.42-46). Boy Willie argues even though the piano is of sentimental value, Berniece is not using it. He wants to sell it in order to buy land, seed, and workers, which will in turn produce a crop, and something will come out of that (p.51). The second defense is that of equality. Boy Willie believes how a certain individual perceives himself determines what that individual really is in reality (p.92). He also believes that white men have one advantage over black men and that is, â€Å" The colored man can’t fix nothing with the law† (p.38). Boy Willie desires to be equal to the white man (p.92 ). Also, equality ties into the above paragraph in which Berniece does not use the piano. Boy Willie will use the money from the piano along with the profit from the other two sources and get his land. Obtaining this goal will make him equal to the white man (p.92). Boy Willie will never work for anyone other than for himself. The last defense is that of Boy Willie’s father. Boy Willie admires his father. He remembers one key thing about his father as a child, â€Å" I got these big old hands but what I’m gonna do with them?† He feels that the piano was his father’s gift to him (p.46). Boy Willie’s grandfather did not have anything to leave Boy Willie’s father but Boy Willie’s feels that his father left him the piano. He uses this in one argumental conversation against Berniece (p.46). Boy Willie strongly feels that if his father had the opportunity to possess his own land then his father would have sold the piano (p.51, 88, 94). Thro ughout the novel Boy Willie and his sister, Berniece, struggle over the conflict in the selling of the piano. Boy Willie doesn’t want to follow the rules. He lives but what he believes is right and true (p.38). Boy Willie doesn’t want to live quietly and go long with the way everything is. He wants to leave his mark everywhere he goes (p.94). I believe the above paragraphs well defend Boy Willie’s arguments with the issue with the piano. Everyone, regardless who you are, wants to become something more. Everyone has dreams. I know I do. Bibliography: