Sunday, February 23, 2020

Discussion Board 8-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion Board 8-1 - Assignment Example The shrinking nature of the brains of the elderly people has the potential to cause serious cognitive impairments upon dependence on a given drug. Compared to youths who depend on given drugs, drug dependent elderly are likely to suffer from serious and extreme visual and hearing impairments. Drug dependent elderly people may also suffer from poor memory as well as develop serious linguistic and communication skills (Parker & Liu, 2007). Despite of the differences, drug dependence among the elderly and the youths cause results to nearly similar consequences. For instance, drug dependence across the age groups is likely to cause damage to internal organs. The extent and speed of damage may largely rely on the quantity and frequency of intake (Parker & Liu, 2007). Drug dependence among individuals across the two age groups is also likely to lead to psychosis. Psychosis condition may presents as either hallucination or delusion or both. Hallucination involves seeing and hearing of things that do not exist in reality. Delusion on the other hand refers to believing of myths and concepts that are not true and hard to prove. These consequences have occurred in both youths and the elderly who abuse and depend on

Friday, February 7, 2020

Mediation paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mediation paper - Essay Example fact about the case is that the pet is now fertilizer, the court has requested out-of-court settlement, and this presents an opportunity in my training to exercise mediation process. Certainly, this is a perfect opportunity to apply theoretical principles of the mediation process. Firstly, the case presents two persons, the claimant and the fertilizer company representative who are willing to settle the matter outside the court. Secondly, the claimant has no interest for money; this is a good premise for this case. Her legal pursuit was primarily motivated by her feelings of hopelessness and grief. In theory, facilitated negotiations involve a neutral party who has relinquished powers to make a decision, this should be a fundamental principle that will guide me throughout the mediation process. Folger & Bush (1996, pg. 264) identifies that satisfaction story is an important theoretical model in this case. Notably, the fertilizer representative and the claimant are interested in the settlement of the case. As a mediator, I will apply the satisfaction story in order to achieve four important goals of mediation. Firstly, the process should remain as informal as possible and not drive by any legal rules; this promotes satisfaction of both parties involved. Secondly, I satisfaction story, an important goal is to focus on the interest of the parties involved. In this case, the claimant is in pursuit for her emotional satisfaction on her loss of the pet while the company representative wishes to avoid litigation and court fines. Based on this case, my interest as a mediator will be to seek common ground that is acceptable to both parties. Besides, satisfaction story model will allow me to ensure that the parties arrive in a commitment in meeting the agreement. An important factor in the mediation process is the satisfaction. It is achieved after clear deliberation that strikes a balance of both parties interest (Folger & Bush 1996, pg. 266). Moreover, this model is