Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On The Body - 1644 Words

Alcohol abuse can also cause short-term effects to the body. Although there are many different short-term effects, the most common happens to be a hangover which is a â€Å"group of symptoms experienced by a person after a heavy consumption of alcohol† (Alcoholic 1). Symptoms of a hangover often consist of nausea, fatigue, thirst, headache, diarrhea, and sensitivity to light and noise. The severity of a hangover depends on several factors; these factors include the amount of alcohol consumed, the level of hydration in the body at the time of alcohol consumption, and disease. Although hangovers are the most common short-term effect, blackouts are also a short-term result of alcohol abuse. Consuming large amounts of alcohol can lead to temporary amnesia where the person is unable to recall events that occurred after he or she began drinking. Unfortunately, blackouts can lead to serious repercussions, especially if the person is engaged in sexual activity during that time. Black outs are much more common among social drinkers than previously assumed and should be viewed as a potential consequence of acute intoxication regardless of age (National 1). Drinkers who experience blackouts typically drink too much and too quickly, which causes their blood alcohol levels to rise very rapidly. Typically, college students are at risk for experiencing a blackout, as an alarming number of college students engage in binge drinking. Even though these short-term effects do not seem as bad as theShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Alcohol Abuse On The Body991 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of alcohol abuse Alcohol abuse has become a growing problem in the U.S. today. Even though alcohol prevents certain illness and extends life, alcohol abuse needs to be controlled before it gets to out of hand because it has many negative effects on a person’s body, it can cause harm to children mentally and physically, and not only affects the person drinking it but the people around them. 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